Thursday, January 26, 2012


Have you ever wondered what the rich know that the poor people don't? Or what is the secret to being rich? 


To be rich you just have to keep things simple. It is a matter of learning where to put your hard earned money into. Many people nowadays are aware that they do need Financial Education but they know not where to find it. The reason is because they are wrongly trained at home. 

I was watching this show on TV called The Most Outrageous Kids Party on TLC channel, where a mom from Utah, celebrated her little girl's birthday way out of budget, with costumes, cakes and everything including the gifts. One scene that caught my attention is this: While the dad was trying to dress up for his kid's costume party, he said in a somewhat hesitant sad tone "The things I do for my kid...." not knowing that it was his wife's idea to throw a big party that cost more that what he will be earning in the next three months. This made me feel so sorry for the husband.

As much as parents wants to give everything that is best for their kids sometimes they go overboard buying stuff that are already out of their budget, and worse the one that gets them into unnecessary debt. Sometimes it's our own wants what lead us to buying such things. Our keeping up with the Jones's attitude, not knowing that the Jones's are also keeping up with the Smith's and so on and so forth without knowing that whoever they're keeping up with are also struggling with their own personal finances.

That is why only 5% of the world's population are considered the minority. While the 95% are the ones that thinks the minority are the only ones that have the right to be rich.What people don't know is that we all have the right to be rich, and it doesn't take a genius. All it takes are simple baby steps like the one shown on this video:


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not In Our School Curriculum

When I was young, my grade school adviser would sometimes lecture us  the importance of studying well. She mentioned that we need academic education so that later in life after graduating college I can be able to land a good job that will pay me well. She was right, but she was not able to deliver what I want in life and that is financial freedom.

It often makes me wonder how the rich live. How it would feel like to not ever able to work for money. As I grew up, things begin to change a bit for me. I'm still not there yet but the things I learned from school still aren't any bad at all. 

In addition, there are now two kinds of education that we can do in order to succeed in life. 

First is to learn the importance of Personal Finance. Finance may be a subject in colleges and universities but Personal Finance isn't. The sad thing is, many people want to be successful financially but  they do not want to invest time to educate themselves about it. The solution is to learn of Personal Finance in theory and in technical. They are what I have  NOT learned in school and most families DON'T talk about. At home all I hear from my parents when I was growing up is how hard it is to earn, thanks to my grandfather, (may he rest in peace) he taught me at the same time that money can work for me, instead of me working for it. Starting from saving to emergency funds, entrepreneurship and investments.

Second, learn that Academic Education is important as well. Academic Education may or may not bring you too much money, but mostly will lead you to the latter part. I later learned in life that the main reason why we still need Academic Education is so we can get the DISCIPLINE that the school provides. Second reason is is the technical aspect learning to professionally do what you love to do, whether it be vocational or a complete college curriculum.

So which of the choices above is better? You decide!

I'm grateful for the opportunity of learning from good mentors other than my family members. I realize that anyone can achieve anything want in life. The only limit is... one's imagination.